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What is the Erg?

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Jun 06, 2018
The family of ergometers—the Model D Indoor Rower, SkiErg and BikeErg.

An “ergometer” (“erg” for short) is a device that measures work. Concept2’s Indoor Rowers, SkiErg, and BikeErg are all ergometers and this is a feature that sets them apart from many other exercise machines on the market. Continue Reading ›

7 Best Worst Workouts

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Feb 09, 2018

Concept2 employees have favorite workouts they do over and over again, but there are some that we sometimes avoid. Here are a few of our "worst" workouts…and a few reasons why you may want to try them.

1. Race Day Prep

1500m x 5 with 1 minute rest

Why it's hard: It is hard to sustain high intensity. This workout pushes you right to the moment where most athletes "blow up." And you get to do it over and over again.

Why it's good for you: After a mental and physical dive into the "pain cave," race day will seem easy (or easier). Continue Reading ›

Tags: Training

Storing your Indoor Rower

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Dec 05, 2017

The Concept2 Indoor Rower is easy to move and store. Caster wheels on the front foot allow you to wheel it around easily. Our indoor rowers are also compact enough to fit in most vehicles for transport—check out this Model D, boxed, fitting inside a tiny smart car! (Unboxed, the Models D and E fit well in most standard vehicles.) Continue Reading ›

Tags: Indoor Rower

2017 Great Eight Athletes

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Sep 12, 2017

Concept2 CTS and HUDSON are teaming up once again to bring together the best of the best—the top scullers in the world competing together in a sweep “Great Eight” at the Head Of The Charles® Regatta. These composite crews look to compete against the fastest national, collegiate and club teams in the Women’s and Men’s Championship Eight events. Continue Reading ›


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