Fit im Alter | Concept2

Fit im Alter

Inspirierende Vorbilder - Geschichten von drei bemerkenswerten Ruderinnen

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Jan 08, 2024

Dieser Beitrag kommt von Sarah Fuhrmann, Inhaberin von UCanRow2. UCanRow2 bietet Athleten und Trainern jeden Alters und jeder Stufe auf der ganzen Welt Windradbasierte Workouts, Trainingsprogramme und Concept2-Zertifizierungen an. Sie ist auch die Autorin von 101 Best Rowing Workouts. Wenn sie nicht gerade ihren Online-Ruderkurs unterrichtet, kann man sie oft dabei beobachten, wie sie Fotos von ihrem Haus in Michigans malerischer und verschneiter Upper Peninsula macht.

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100 Years Old and Still Rowing Strong: Don McCluskey

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Feb 16, 2021

Happy Birthday to Don McCluskey, who turns 100 years old on February 17, 2021!

We’re always excited to share the stories of our centenarians who demonstrate that rowing can be a lifelong sport. Don credits his longevity to a diet of red wine, Brussel sprouts and carrots, along with his daily exercise on the Concept2 RowErg. Don lives in an assisted living facility, where he continues to work out daily during COVID-19.

“During the pandemic I’ve been rowing every single day for at least 20-30 minutes, and it’s kept me healthy and sane during the lockdown. It’s one of the best exercises you can do when you’re stuck indoors. I have it set up by a window, and I don’t listen to audio while I’m rowing. It’s such a pleasure to row that I just look out the window and get my best thinking done while rowing on my Concept2.” Continue Reading ›

Indoor Rower, SkiErg, or Both?

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Apr 12, 2017

Both the indoor rower and the SkiErg offer high quality exercise that is impact-free, user-controlled, and measurable. Both are based on exhilarating sports that involve legs, core, back and arms. Either one alone will provide a convenient, effective form of full body exercise.

What may be less obvious is that the two motions are highly complementary. Continue Reading ›

Meet Ultra-Rower Darlene Brennan

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Sep 10, 2014
KC Colt, Darlene Brennan and Dena Hirchak in front of Concept2
Darlene Brennan between Concept2's KC Colt and Dena Hirchak
We'd like you to meet Darlene Brennan. You may recognize that name if you have done any Concept2 team challenges, because quite often, she is at the top of the challenge standings board, rowing for the ANCIENTS team. Since 2008, she has taken part in eighteen team challenges where she ranked #1 on the individual standings eight times. In four of the eighteen challenges, she easily completed more than one million meters and in eight, she completed more than two million meters. She also set 2 new world records recently for lightweight 70-79 women—one for rowing a million meters in thirteen days and the other for rowing 100,000 meters in just under 12 hours. How does she do it and what's her secret? Darlene visited Concept2 recently and shared a little of her story. Continue Reading ›
