Indoor Rower Testimonials | Concept2

Indoor Rower Testimonials

I will be suggesting the Concept2 rower to as many people as I can get to listen. Keep up the good work. You are changing people's lives. And not just the real-serious-rowing-types, but regular people like myself, too. Read More ›

—A. S.

The Dynamic is a great tool to feel how a boat moves. It doesn’t have the draw you get from the chain on the standard model and therefore you ‘have to’ create a momentum and flow to your stroke similar to that of rowing a single. There is a small amount of elasticity in the machine but you have to keep your hands moving etc like you do when you row on the water. You also have to have a ‘hang’ to be able to drive your legs and have a natural body open through the stroke. A constant rhythm will allow you to be efficient and sustain and good training pace. Read More ›

—Eric Murray

There is not one muscle group neglected. Total choice workout...With the Dynamic Rower I finally get the workout I've always deserved but could never find. A lifetime fan here. Read More ›

—Dan DeMarco

I absolutely love the feeling I get after a rowing workout, it is the best total body workout there is: legs, arms, core, everything. Read More ›

—Jason Butler

I want to thank your company for making the equipment that turned me into what my orthopedic surgeon calls a "medical miracle." He has never seen a patient recuperate so quickly from a total knee replacement. I could walk without crutches two days after surgery, drive my car in ten days and was totally off pain medication in two weeks. It's been six weeks now, and I'm still not perfect but I'm getting there. Read More ›

—Amy Vander Stoep Karraker

I think it's a great machine. It’s very familiar. It has the monitor the way we like it. It gives you the same information. I’m very excited to have one, and we’ll be using them a lot. Concept2, thank you for making such a high-quality dynamic erg. Read More ›

—Bryan Volpenhein

I can't thank you enough for inventing such a great product and marketing it so that it's widely accessible to almost everyone. Your rowing machine is by far the best piece of gym equipment available. I will continue to work hard and use your erg for the rest of my life and make sure I share the benefits of using one to my friends and family. Read More ›

—Jonathan Doyle

I find that rowing on the Dynamic is much more like actually rowing on the water. Read More ›

—Francis Sulger

It is easier to identify and correct bad technique, because I am staying in the same spot, not sliding back and forth. Read More ›

—Valerie Mathison

I instantly took a liking to this fantastic machine and the excellent workout I got from it...It's been 9 months since I started, and I feel confident that this will be a lifetime association. Read More ›

—Dharmen Samant

Unlike other forms of exercise, I actually look forward to rowing. Read More ›

—Rita Hart

I find the erg a great way to exercise and find I am in much better cardiovascular shape from erging than I ever was with running. Read More ›

—Jim Corkal

I find that rowing is an ideal low impact way to keep in shape. Read More ›

—Derek Wegner

It's the best thing I bought the last few years. Read More ›

—Hans Koolhaas

I look forward to the Holiday Challenge every year, and not only because it helps to keep the fat off. It’s such a wonderful fund-raising effort, and you’ve done a magnificent job of making it even better for the 20th. Read More ›

—David Hafner

I want to say THANK YOU for the customer service Will gave today. You don’t always get that these days and it is because of that I will continue to be a happy customer and certainly recommend your machines to anyone in the future. Read More ›

—Jason Shuck

I am really enjoying the workout that this machine gives me. The low impact on the body is key. Easy to set up, easy to store, I can vary my workout in so many ways. This is a really wonderful, American-made product. I am glad I chose your company's rower, as I believe it is the industry standard. Read More ›

—Leonard Tollerton

I wanted to thank Concept2 for being the kind of company who supports their older model by keeping parts in stock and not creating planned obsolescence... Read More ›

—Henry Sapoznik

I am writing to express my appreciation to this company for its extremely generous, holistic, and robust breadth of support offerings. More specifically, I am referring to the ErgData app, Online Logbook, WODs, articles, videos, and so on. Read More ›

—Janna Atcheson

I don't think it's much of an exaggeration to say that your indoor rower helped to save my life. You're worth every penny I paid, and then some! Read More ›

—Peter Pike

I quickly installed the retrofit PM5 monitor, with the essential help of my 3 year old granddaughter who lives with us.

I have one HUGE complaint: What the heck took me so long to order this upgrade! STUPID ME! I should have gotten it when it first came out! It's phenomenal! My Concept2 utilization will definitely increase a lot in 2017! Read More ›

—Bill M

I've had my rower now since October 2016 and in that brief period have been so impressed with everything you guys do at Concept2 and wanted to say very many thanks. Having so much input in terms of advice and info and very friendly efficient help when I've called has made all the difference and made everything so much more enjoyable.

I particularly love your challenges which are great to be involved with. Having just done my 100,000m for the Holiday Challenge in December, I have set up a team for January. It's really good to have an objective. Read More ›

—John Bradley

The Concept2 Model D arrived on schedule on Friday. Very well packaged and so easy to uncrate and assemble! I am impressed with the quality, the ease of assembly, your online videos and other information—and I am delighted to be "rowing" on this model until I can get back on the water.

Thanks to you and all your colleagues who make Concept2 the great company it is. We used Models A and B when I first started rowing at Humboldt State University (Arcata, California) in the mid-1980s, and Concept2 was the name then. Glad to know it still is! Read More ›

—Joyce Caldwell

Truthfully, this is better than any equipment I used at my physical therapy gym for three months after surgery. Read More ›

—Margaret Gualtieri

I want to say thank you for making a product that literally changed my life. It’s because of your machine that I am able to prove my neurosurgeon wrong. Read More ›

—Chris Stevens

My Ten Million Meter Club sweatshirt arrived in the mail today. I will be 61 years old next month, but opening this package was like being 10 years old again on Christmas morning. Thank you so very much for the sweatshirt of such excellent quality. Also, a much belated thank you for my Five million and One million meter t-shirts. I cannot think of another company that supports its customers the way you do. I am facing another cold wet Pacific Northwest winter, but I have my Concept2 to get me through it. Now I just need to find room in my garage for a SkiErg. Read More ›

—Rick Allen

After erging for a few months in my company's gym starting in June 2013, I purchased my Model D Indoor Rower in October 2013. Since that time I have continued to improve relative to the Rankings on the Concept2 Logbook and am maintaining my weight which is now 70 pounds less than when I started rowing. I enjoy motivating my improvement by comparing to others in my age group. Read More ›

—Duffy Floyd

Thank You for putting out the absolute BEST product that enabled me to keep my endurance and met-con up without putting stress on my joints and ankle in particular. Read More ›

—Shawn Ramirez

I joined the Concept2 online community when I purchased my rower in 2011. I don't have a rowing background but became fascinated with the machine when I learned how great it was for increasing one's cardiovascular endurance. I've found if you put a good amount of work into your rowing, you will see honest results. The year-round challenges and joining an online rowing team has helped me with motivation and accountability. Read More ›

—James Garcia

I'm a long time rowing machine user, 25 years or more. The online logbook and challenges are very important to keep me motivated, as I generally train alone. Being desk bound by profession, I need the workouts. Read More ›

—Ron Chennels

Greetings from Finland—land with polar bears (joke). It was March of 2014 when I was looking for a rowing machine for exercise and was already buying another machine when I found your online community. It helped me make the decision to purchase your machine. The challenges are great. I hope many other Scandinavians find this indoor exercise too. Best wishes to all and "hölkynkölkyn", which means Cheers in Finnish. Read More ›

—Timo Tuominen

I've been a user of Concept2 Indoor Rowers for many years (long may it continue). I started using Concept2 because of knee problems. I was able to exercise regularly with no affect on my knees, set my own goals and monitor my results on your site. From my point of view this is the best exercising machine in the world. I call it "the truth machine". Read More ›

—Douglas McDonald

I first tried indoor rowing in 1984 at the university gym where I was working. The Concept2 Model A Ergometer was booked in 15-minute time slots but became part of my workouts, so I purchased a Model B Ergometer in the mid 1980s. Over the years I have rowed off and on as part of a fitness mix. Last fall, after a bout of some knee trouble, I got back on my rower regularly and started logging my meters on line. I’m not back to marathon shape yet, but definitely enjoying the challenge. Read More ›

—Gordon Wood

In the early 1980s I started rowing in Philadelphia when friend of mine asked me to participate in a Learn to Row program at the University of Pennsylvania. During the first few minutes I was in the boat, I started relating rowing to life and work and it eventually changed my life. In 1998 I founded The OARS Program team building and leadership company and developed The Rowers' Code. We are now organized as Criterion Consulting Solutions. In 2011 The Rowers’ Code™ programs and book followed and are the backbone of the leadership and team building programs my company offers today. Read More ›

—Marilyn Krichko

I started rowing three years ago to do some endurance sport in the winter months when I do not go on my road bike that often.
I was immediately hooked—in huge part because of the never-ending enthusiasm and motivation skills of my coach, Lowell Caylor, of Greenville Indoor Rowing in South Carolina. He is the best!
We row on Concept2 ergs and take part in EVERY challenge, so it is only natural that every member of Greenville Indoor Rowing is also a member of the Concept2 community.
Read More ›

—Ulrike Bonn

I guess you can say I'm a part of a rowing family—my Dad, Brother, Sister, Uncle, Cousin—you name it. My brief stint on the water competitively was more than 15 years ago, but my competitive spirit still takes advantage of the many challenges and team activities afforded on the erg! I row in the garage on a hand me down Model C, and have had fun leading/teaching a rowing class at our local YMCA using Model D and E ergs twice a week for the past two years as well. Our indoor crew ranges from multi-million meter pros to novices. Read More ›

—Evans Hood

I am currently stationed in Germany. Active duty Air Force. I initially became involved with the Concept2 online community through CrossFit. Starting in November 2014, I decided to start a million meter challenge which is to be completed within a year. Read More ›

—Daniel Lawson

After playing soccer most of my life and going to globo gyms I started CrossFit in the beginning of 2012. That's when I first saw a Concept2 Indoor Rower. I used it on and off a little but toward the end of 2013, I decided I would row a 5k every day in 2014. The goal has escalated to two million meters by the end of the year. I have fallen in love with rowing, have become stronger and more efficient, and have become a CrossFit rowing instructor. My eyes are on becoming a Concept2 instructor by the end of 2014. Read More ›

—Andras Hordos

I bought my erg in April 2006 as an effort to lose weight. I was successful in this endeavor, losing about 50 pounds in the first year. As time passed I realized I could be quite competitive and started racing eventually getting my 2k time down to a respectable 6:22.2. Read More ›

—David Chmilowskyi

I was introduced to the sport of rowing when our daughter became a coxswain for the University of Minnesota Varsity Women's team. The summer of 2003 found me taking a Learn to Row class and I was hooked! Santa (wisely) brought an indoor rower that year and I am currently doing my 11th Holiday Challenge. I enjoy both on water and indoor rowing for the exercise and great health benefits—it's my go-to workout. Being part of the Concept2 online community is a great motivator—it's fun to see those meters add up. Thanks Concept2 for promoting and supporting this healthy activity! Read More ›

—Kim Gross

I started rowing in 2007 following several visits as a spectator to cheer on my hubbie at the British Indoor Rowing Championships. I took the plunge at a 2500m competition in Basingstoke and even when I came in last, everyone was so encouraging I decided to carry on. I joined the Taff Attack online team and really got bitten by the bug. Basingtoke was followed by a marathon in Holland and the CRASH-Bs in 2009. I love the online encouragement and support we all get. Long may it continue! Read More ›

—Christine Goodwin

My former employer, GE, was determined to increase the health opportunities for employees when we opened a new manufacturing facility. The employee health center had a new Concept2 Model C as part of the equipment. The first time I tried it, I was hooked forever. A few months later I purchased my own and have been erging ever since. I'm about 75,000 meters shy of 16 million meters. Read More ›

—Donald Kern

I've lost the weight I wanted to lose and I've gained a habit that will benefit me for a lifetime. Read More ›

—Sandra Jones

I joined Concept2 online to be able to log my rows and compare my efforts. I purchased a Concept2 Indoor Rower after having trouble running. My aim is to complete a marathon within 6 months and continuously improve my times. Read More ›

—Craig Baker

I've joined the Concept2 online community to help keep me motivated to stay fit. I met Concept2's Greg Hammond at last years SealFit event in San Antonio (I was one of the adaptive athletes with a below knee amputation) and I bought my indoor rower shortly after. At 41, I've never been in better shape and I attribute a lot of it to my rowing. Read More ›

—Mona Patel

I took a Learn-to-Row class in 2007 and have been sculling with the Rat Island Rowing and Sculling Club here in Port Townsend, Washington for the past seven years. We are able to row on our bay from about April into November most years, weather permitting. During the winter and early spring months and on most days when I’m not rowing on the water, I put in time on my Concept2 erg, having earned my five million meter pin last fall. Indoor rowing is a great way to build endurance, stay in shape, and work on many aspects of rowing form. Read More ›

—Marsha Wiener

And it is—without a doubt—the only exercise equipment that I’ve used on a continuous basis (three to four times a week) over such a long period. Read More ›

—Dick Goldsmith

I am an avid sculler and coach at the Don Rowing Club in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada since 1978. I have used Concept2 products for my entire rowing career starting with the good old Model A Ergometer. I scull with your blades and always recommend your products to aspiring scullers. I joined the online program because I see the benefit of capturing the work done to plot my progress and keep tabs on my competitors from around the area. This is a motivator for me and I encourage my athletes to do the same. I am attaching a picture of me heading out for a race In Welland, Ontario. Read More ›

—Brant Ottnad

In the photo, I am paddling the Upper Missouri River in 2012. My son and I did the first and most picturesque 400 miles. The rest of the Missouri is still on my bucket list.
I purchased a Model D Indoor Rower years ago for exercise and weight control. I am a retired US parachute infantryman with a bad back, neck and prosthetic knees to show for 28 years of service.
Concept2 is the best non-impact exercise I can manage, and I'm closing in on 2 million meters. Read More ›

—Larry White

It does not appear that you need any new comments in support of the Dynamic Rower, but I love it. My day job impairs my ability to spend mornings on the river in my single scull. Read More ›

—Tori Murden McClure

I consider your rowing machine the single finest piece of exercise equipment bar none! Not only does it work a variety of muscles, but the device itself is of superior material, precise fittings, excellent workmanship and built to last! On a scale of 1 to 10, I will give it a 12. Read More ›

—Peyton H Cook Jr

I'm almost 60-years old. I am a big guy, 6'4" and 350-pounds, making it difficult to compete in physical activities. I was at a conventional gym for about 2 years with limited success. I recently changed to a CrossFit gym. I first used Concept2 Indoor Rowers at my CrossFit gym. I liked rowing the first time that I tried it. Here's a full-body cardio activity that a big guy can do without the pounding and joint stress of running. Read More ›

—Mark Hanisco

By January 2014, I had lost 40 pounds in 5 months, rowing 30 minutes to 50 minutes a day 5 days a week. Read More ›

—Carolyn Watson

My rowing experience includes 8’s at FD Roosevelt High School (’72), Hyde Park, New York and 8’s & 4+ at the US Naval Academy ('76), Annapolis, Maryland. I joined the Raleigh Rowing Center and sculled for the first time in the fall of 2008. Rough weather prevented rowing one day, and I watched a high school team transition from the water to a large number of Concept2s for their workout. I was impressed to say the least and was lucky enough to find a used Model D with PM3 within a few weeks, which I updated to PM4 in the fall of 2011. Read More ›

—Tom Purdy

I first started rowing competitively at school in 1989, and after 3 seasons I had a BIG break from the sport—18 years! I have now rejoined a local rowing club as a competitive Masters Rower and use the Concept2 to supplement my on-water training, and also compete at indoor competitions. I was one of the first in Australia to take delivery of the Dynamic Indoor Rower, which I am really enjoying. Read More ›

—Paul van Zijl

I got my Concept2 Model C in 1999 for cross training when I couldn't be on the water in a canoe of some sort. It keeps me tuned up over the winter for the outrigger, marathon, and sprint canoe races that follow each spring through fall. Read More ›

—Will Rhodes

There are just not enough good things I can say about your products, your outstanding customer service and your company. Read More ›

—John Warkala

About 10 years ago I started doing full and half marathons and training year round. This year, living in Canada was really difficult to train outdoors with all the ice and snow so I started rowing instead. It really has helped me with my endurance. Rowing is a great full body workout. Read More ›

—Meli Colucci

I am a 64 year old Vermont physician who has been biking for years. As my interest in winter sports waned over the years, I turned to the Concept2 rowing machine for my winter exercise. I try to do 5000 meters a day while watching quality movies with cordless earphones. I hope to keep it up for years to come. I usually do it in the morning after my coffee and find that it energizes me for the whole day. Read More ›

—Robert Johnson

I am a 60 year old retired mail carrier and veteran. I was led into rowing by my daughter Allison, a personal trainer and life coach, because of my multiple knee surgeries. She educated me about the non-traumatic yet challenging workouts available with the Concept2 Indoor Rower. I can say it is paying off in lost fat and gained strength. Read More ›

—Walter Dean

In 2004, our local YMCA offered a new class to its members—Rowing, and since my husband and I were looking for an exercise program to replace jogging, we decided to give this program a try. From the start, we were fortunate to receive great instruction from our trainer on the proper rowing techniques and how to use the indoor rower to maximize our exercise routine. Last year our instructor decided to kick things up a notch by forming the Green Hills YMCA Team within the Concept2 online community. Read More ›

—Trish Poe

I started rowing about four years ago when a friend of mine from the gym suggested I give it a try. We have subsequently competed in the Fall Team Challenge, March Madness and a number of the other challenges throughout the year. Read More ›

—Simon Loder

After I graduated from college, I found myself not having an athletic outlet so I took up running. I bought my Concept2 Indoor Rower about 20 years ago as an alternative to running. I moved north and needed it even more in the winter months. A few years ago, a rowing club was started in my community. Having experience on the Concept2 was a huge bonus to starting with the club. Now rowing is my first choice for a workout. The rowing club is also a great team experience again. Read More ›

—Leslye Robinson

I started using the rowing machine more regularly a few year ago, and I felt it gave me very effective workout both physically and mentally. Sometimes the rowing machine feels cruelly tough and you feel "that the frontal bone grows" a little for each stroke. I love it! And sometimes hate it at the same time.

But a more complete workout in one machine is hard to find. It gives me a good all-round training in my profession as a firefighter. Read More ›

—Marcus Worén

I've been logging meters since 2007, when I started to learn to row. Since 2013 I've been training with Q-Power and am looking forward to racing at the CRASH-Bs this year, having raced there in 2011 and 2012. I've also been known to do a few 100k rows. Read More ›

—Jen Howse

I started rowing 25 years ago for cross-training and as an alternative to long cold dark runs in a Canadian winter. I have grown to love the Concept2 indoor rower—and hate it! It's a great minute-for-minute cross-training alternative and the best work out you can get. I am just returning from a herniated disc that kept me away from rowing for two years and am happy to be back! Read More ›

—Ken Parsons

I am a CrossFit gym owner and athlete that has gotten more attracted to and serious about rowing as a low-impact cardio and endurance training tool. I really enjoy being able to compete against my previous times and discovering the online logbook has been an added bonus. Read More ›

—Ben Williamson

I was never much of an athlete in school, primary, secondary, or college. Once I got into the "real world", I would do the typical one hour of resistance training and 5k on a treadmill. I had my first experience with a Concept2 Indoor Rower in 2007 when I also found CrossFit. During most of that time, I wasn't a hardcore rower. i was just doing it when it came up in our usual workouts. However this year a friend and I decided to go for the million meter challenge. So starting Jan 1, I started logging all my meters on here. Twenty days in, I'm just shy of 10% of the goal. Read More ›

—Bryan Ragon

I started using my wife’s Concept2 Indoor Rower a few years ago and now regularly put in 100k a month. I have also competed in the Beach Sprints erg race in Long Beach, California for the last two years.

I haven’t rowed on the water much at all, but my wife (a dedicated rower) talked me into accompanying her to a week-long rowing camp at the Craftsbury Sculling Center in Craftsbury, Vermont last summer, which was a lot of fun. Our trip also included a very interesting tour of the Concept2 factory in Morrisville, Vermont, where they manufacture oars. Read More ›

—Jim Zeiner

Between December 2010 and December 2012, I used to row at the gym from time to time. In those days the Concept2 was ‘just one of the machines’ to me. In fact cycling has been my favorite sport for more than 30 years. In December 2012, I discovered the Concept2 website and got involved in your online community. There is lots of information about indoor rowing and rowing results of other people (which is great). And that got me hooked. I bought my own Model D Indoor Rower in April 2013, left the gym and started to train seriously. Many people say I am too competitive for my age. Read More ›

—Frans van Rooden

I used to row at the gym regularly until I broke my collarbone skiing early this year. Instead of going back to gym again, I decided to buy a Concept2 and started rowing at home. I now try and make about 40-50km every week and mark my progress on a map on the wall. I crossed Lake Ontario and am now rowing along the St. Lawrence River around Quebec City. I’ll head south and follow the shoreline once I make it to the Atlantic Ocean. Read More ›

—Cuneyt Karul

I've struggled with my weight for my entire life, swinging from 362 pounds, down to 230 pounds in 2000, and more recently got back up to 330 lbs in March 2013 when I hit "critical mass" yet again. I decided on March 15 to put the pedal to the metal and go full steam ahead into a doctor-supervised aggressive weight-loss program changing my diet to mostly soup originating from Healthy Choice entrées cooked in a microwave then tossed into a blender with spices. Read More ›

—Bill McGowan

My current rowing goal is to log 1 million meters by my January 2014 birthday. Because I travel a lot for business, this goal has introduced me to rowers, gyms and rowing machines all over the country—including a PM2 with wooden handles at Huntington Beach, California a week ago. I think that machine could be as old as I am! Read More ›

—Donna Mills

A new ardent rower, I began stroking a little more than 2 years ago with the rower and the incredible online resources of Concept2. Helping others achieve and seeking a more just and beautiful world, I always look for ways to combine virtues with actions. Hence, Concept2's rowing for charity challenge (and other like events) are the perfect match for the physical and spiritual fitness I seek. 2,000,000 meters is my next checkpoint. I live in "Nowville", Nashvegas, Tennessee! Read More ›

—Patrick Luther

I have been rowing for a number of years now and am closing in on 26 million life time meters. I have found that the Concept2 is a great way to keep fit without the impact injuries that I used to get playing rugby and basketball. I have been a member of the Free Spirits Rowing team and enjoy taking part in both club and Concept2 challenges. I have even taken part in a few races which have been great fun and shows what a brilliant rowing community there is out there. Read More ›

—David Taylor

I was looking for a way to stay competitive when my athletic career ended after college. I cycled and looked for an alternative to that. I found what a wonderful workout the erg was and what a wonderful rowing machine that the Concept2 was. By becoming an online member, I can follow my workouts and see how I am making improvements. Read More ›

—Paul Dufour

I belong to the group of people who enjoy indoor rowing just to become wet with sweat and to feel good doing a lot of exercise in a short time. It helps to train the muscles of my back what helps me since I am in a 9 to 5 sitting office job.
I bought the rower less than one month ago and it lets me get a good workout in frequently. Thomas up! Read More ›

—Gernot Samsen

I have lost over forty-five pounds and reached my first goal—the weight I had when discharged from the Army sixty years ago. Read More ›

—Wally Many

I am sure you get letters like this all the time, but I wanted to say thanks for saving my life. Read More ›

—A. M.

I had two reasons to start rowing.

  1. The rowing motion has the same motion as a golf swing.
  2. When I started to row, my migraine headaches disappeared.

So rowing has become a big part of my workout routine, and I weigh less now at age 65 than I did in high school. Read More ›

—Andrew Prosowski

I bought a Concept2 Model D about a month ago, after my WaterRower sprang a leak. I am 64, and am rowing to help lose weight (30 pounds so far) and improve my fitness. I really enjoy the Workout of the Day. Read More ›

—Pierce McMartin

We knew the machine itself was fantastic but everything else is great as well. Read More ›


I began rowing in 2011 when I began my undergraduate career at SUNY Stony Brook. With no prior athletic experience, rowing made me discover my love for fitness and regiment and improve all aspects of my life. I began using the online logbook during winter training for my coach, Jeff Nelson, to see every workout that I had done at home. Now, I try to have an erg available wherever I am and log every workout. I am working at a sleep away camp this summer and have borrowed an erg from the team to use in the mornings at camp—I like these machines that much! Read More ›

—David Harary

I am a mother of two teenagers, military spouse of 21 years, and teacher. I was born in the Netherlands, living in Germany but calling Texas home. I just started rowing but am truly enjoying this exercise, especially with a little competition pushing me to work harder. Read More ›

—Nelie Luper

I started finally getting into shape a few years ago after breaking my arm. The break was a result of my own stupidity and was severe due to my being in such poor shape. Using just the equipment I had available at the time, I worked to shed over 80 pounds (5.7 stones). However, the impact of using a treadmill so much was starting to take its toll. Read More ›

—Steven Willis

I'm 66, retired and I became interested in indoor rowing 4–5 years ago because it was, for me, the best form of aerobic exercise I could think of. It works my back, stomach, legs and arms—all with zero impact.

I enjoy being part of the Concept2 online community primarily because it inspires me to participate in events like the Holiday Challenge (I know I'm bragging here but I was in the top 15 last year).

The picture of me was painted by my wife, Marlene, who exercises with me every morning for an hour while watching TV. Read More ›

—Fred Hodgdon

I have Syringomyelia. In April 2011, I got my own Concept2 Indoor Rower Model E and this has made a lot of difference to my rowing and to my disability. I have just completed 10,000,000 million meters as of April 29, 2013. Read More ›

—Paul Sharp

I have been rowing on a Concept2 consistently for over twenty years (I'm on my second erg), have averaged over 1,000 miles a year and should be cracking 34 million meters within a month. It's a great workout and has been a consistent part of my morning routine despite numerous career changes, floods, power outages and injuries (that had nothing to do with the Concept2 by the way). I hope to keep it up for another 20+ years. Read More ›

—Jon LaBerge

I am 57 years old. I am a superior court judge, now in my 21st year in that position. I started using a Concept2 Indoor Rower about six years ago at the urging of a lifelong friend who learned about fitness through his training in an elite special forces unit.

In May of last year, I suffered a cerebral hemorrhage. Doctors told me that my level of fitness helped me survive it. It is not a stretch to say that I owe my life to my friend and to Concept2. I will wear your T-shirt proudly. Read More ›

—Matt Simmons

About three years ago I was told by my doctor that I had to change my lifestyle to improve my health. In fact he said, "Improve your nutrition, lose weight, do sports." As I live far away from any public gym, I decided to build my own. I bought a few pieces of exercise equipment, including the Concept2 Model E, and a big flat screen television. Read More ›

—Hermann Hartmann

I am 47 years old and self employed, running a number of online businesses from home. As my work life involves a lot of sitting down behind a computer screen, I have been seeking a way of keeping fit and maintaining a healthy weight.

In the past, I have used an exercise bike but, when it broke, I looked to find a better alternative. I came across the Concept2 website and decided that I would give indoor rowing a go! I liked the idea that rowing would exercise my upper body as well as my legs, and would burn a greater number of calories per hour than an exercise bike. Read More ›

—Mark Heath

I'm 16 years old and currently a sophomore in high school. During the cold winter months of my physical education class, we were unable to run, so we rowed! We were assigned to row 2000 meters every Friday, which was a hassle, but being in a competitive environment pushed me to persist to reach better times. Read More ›

—Charles Belisle

While I wish I had taken advantage of an opportunity to row in college, the use of an erg has played a part in my fitness ever since college. For many years, I used ergs at a variety of health clubs as part of my routine workouts. In 1998, I purchased my first Model C Indoor Rower. I don’t claim to be completely faithful year round. I always come back to my machine—a core training that I can always do regardless of weather. Around 2005, I ended up buying a second machine, Model D this time. The old faithful keeps my exercise always at hand at our second home. Read More ›

—David Miller

I came to Concept2 via the Tulsa Rowing Club. Now the erg is my way of staying in shape for the water. I have been at it for three years and am giving myself three more years to obtain mediocrity in a single, but the erg will be a lifetime habit. Even my wife (with two hip replacements) used the Concept2 Indoor Rower. Read More ›

—Chip Cooper

I've been involved with the sport of rowing for a dozen years now. I got my start rowing with the crew at Saint John's High School in Shrewsbury, MA, where I learned to love the aspects of this sport. Those aspects have really made me who I am today—constantly challenging myself to be better than I was the previous day (or race or piece or...), along with the strongest sense of team spirit I've found in any organized sport. After rowing at St. John's for four years under Coach John Ermilio, rowing took me to the University of Chicago. Read More ›

—Miles Betley

Maintaining an exercise program over the long haul is sometimes difficult. Concept2 individual and team challenges are great incentives to keep working. Thanks for both the great rowing machines and the ongoing encouragement. Read More ›

—Judy Abbott

I started rowing in a more dedicated fashion, and started using the Concept2 Online Logbook about five years ago, after I found I had to stop cycling due to knee damage, an all too common story.

After using tired gym examples, I bought my own Concept2 Indoor Rower and have not looked back from that point. The exercise is great. I have no more knee pain and have far better upper body strength. It's a fantastic cardiovascular workout every time! Read More ›

—David Large

I'm 22 years old, and I am a sailor in the United States Navy. I am from Orlando, Florida, but currently stationed in Charleston, South Carolina where I am at the Naval Nuclear Power Training Command. Read More ›

—Timothy Mazzotta
Mikko Salo discusses using the SkiErg and indoor rower.

Several months ago I had a chance to train with the SkiErg. I was hooked immediately. It is a great ‘tool of pain.’

I'm 32 years old and a professional firefighter and rescue diver in Pori, Finland. I have trained pretty hard for almost 17 years now. I found CrossFit in 2007 and it immediately became my favourite thing! I won the 2009 CrossFit Games. In my training, the Concept2 Indoor Rower has a big role. I believe that rowing is one of the major factors to my work capacity. I like to use the indoor rower for intervals and for metcons. Read More ›

—Mikko Salo

I'm 51 years old, born in Scotland but now living in Cambridge. I first tried the Concept2 Indoor Rower in 2003 when I joined a gym. I found it an ideal non-impact cardiovascular workout for someone with dodgy knees. In 2007 I bought a Concept2 Indoor Rower of my own and did not renew my gym membership. In 2008 I discovered the online log, joined a virtual team and competed as a lightweight in the British Indoor Rowing Championship, at which I set a personal best of 7:17.0 for 2000m which I haven't bettered since. Read More ›

—Stewart Aitken

Aerial Gilbert lost her sight in 1988. A guide dog and her love of rowing let her reclaim independence and the active lifestyle she'd always known. Read More ›

—Aerial Gilbert

Fitness author and creator of See Yourself Fit, Mike Winegarden is totally blind. An avid rower, Mike recommends Concept2 to all his clients. Read More ›

—Mike Winegarden

Following a bombing that instantly blinded him, David Brown sought a sport he could do on his own. Enter indoor rowing and ErgChatter, which changed his life. Read More ›

—David Brown

I started rowing when I went to college and I have been rowing races for several years. During this period I have also been coaching. After I graduated, I stopped rowing and, of course, gained some weight. To get back into shape, I first visited a fitness center for a while, but then decided to buy a Concept2 Indoor Rower of my own. I'm now at a healthy weight and train on the erg 4-5 times a week. I prefer the long distances the most and hope to do a marathon next year. I joined the concept2 Forum because it's fun and stimulating. Read More ›

—Gerjo Reinkingh

I've been rowing since I first purchased a Model B in 1989. I wish I would have kept better track of my meters then, as my wild and audacious goal is to be the "all-time meters rowed" rower. Longevity will help.

The Concept2 Indoor Rower is magical—an all-body workout and a wonderful way to set goals as we age. I prefer meters to speed as you may have guessed. Read More ›

—Craig Donovan

I love this sport, I love the consistent performance of the Concept2, and I am really blown away by the great support your group offers to us rowers—rookies and all! Read More ›

—Paula Puopolo

I love all the great info on the C2 website and talk it up whenever I get the chance. Read More ›

—Evan Kleber

I am originally from New York City, where I lead an extremely busy and active lifestyle and worked out at one of the best gyms in the country with personal trainers etc. Five years ago I moved away to China where I had no access to proper food or proper workouts and had a very different lifestyle, which lead to weight gain and loss of fitness. To make matters worse, I moved to Europe 2 years ago with my husband. We started consulting, which meant working from our computers and living in airports as we travel 70% of the year. Read More ›

—Yezika Calberto

I picked up a Concept2 Indoor Rower earlier this year and enjoy the workout I get from it. I’m still working my way up to the half and full marathon but I’m getting there. Read More ›

—Kelvin Yoda

I am a litigation attorney in Seattle. I started rowing more than 20 years ago while at the University of Virginia. Back then, we used to train on the old Model Bs. After law school, I bought a Model C, and have been rowing on it ever since. I convinced my law firm to buy a Model D, so I can now row at work or at home. I also run and bike, but it’s great to be able to jump on the rowing machine whenever it’s dark and rainy (or when there’s a good soccer game on). I row about 1,000 km/year, and always look forward to the Holiday Challenge. Read More ›

—Doug Weigel

The past year was a challenging one. I awakened on June 17, 2011, planning to go for a personal best in the Half Marathon, and instead discovered I’d lost part of the vision in my left eye, due to a macular hole Read More ›

—James Steiger

During my regular visits to the gym I found myself on the Concept2 Indoor Rower over and over again. I've tried all the other equipment, but only the erg kept calling me back. In the summer of 2005 I decided to buy my own. In the seven years since I've rowed over 14 million meters and I'm still going strong! About two years ago I joined the C2TweetCrew, a then small group of twitter based erg fanatics. It was the start of increasing intensity as we keep motivating each other. Read More ›

—Wim Oosterveld

I have been rowing since January, 2008. It is a family affair. My son and his wife introduced it to my wife and me and we have been rowing regularly ever since. My Concept2 Indoor Rower makes it possible to exercise at home, in any weather, any time of day, in A/C comfort and choose what I watch on TV while rowing! It's a great way to keep in shape. Read More ›

—Dean Catoe

I started rowing to cross-train and give my knees a break from running. After 10 years, it's my favorite indoor exercise. I especially like catching up on all my TV shows while I row. I enjoy all the contests to keep me motivated. One of these days, I may actually try rowing on the water! Read More ›

—Jennifer Norr

Thank you all at Concept2 for your website and the information on weight loss. Read More ›

—Robin Sweet

I am a 51-year-old woman who has been relatively active most of my adult life. About two years ago I had a bone density scan performed and discovered that I was losing bone mass. My doctor prescribed Actonel, then Boniva, to help build bone or at least prevent me from losing any more bone. My maternal grandmother had severe osteoporosis, and it seemed as though I had inherited this disease. I am an avid horseback rider and the thought that my riding days may end too early was more than I could bear. So I decided to do something about it. I needed more exercise to help build bone.
Read More ›

—Cynthia Adams

My experience with rowing was very sporadic until June 16, 2002, when I started rowing regularly. Two and a half years ago, I was diagnosed with diabetes. Both my grandmothers died from complications of diabetes and my dad and three of his sisters are diabetic so, it is rampant in my family. Walking had been my main exercise until I got back on my rower and found out how it lowered my blood sugar readings. Read More ›

—Diane B

I am a 57-year-old man who was a distance runner for fifteen years. About two years ago I began looking for alternative exercises as a way of staying in shape and not pounding my knees, hips, and back. I went back to rowing because it was an old piston type rowing machine that got me started on the fitness trail twenty years ago. In January, my doctor told me that I had developed a pre-diabetic condition and suggested that I lose twenty pounds and get back on the exercise path. So I (dragged) out my old rower and started to watch what I ate. Read More ›

—Bob J

I've done a LOT of sporadic rowing over the years (without any commitment to keeping track), then I discovered committed rowing improved my blood glucose... and that LOTS of rowing VASTLY improved my diabetes—to where my daily numbers are usually in the "healthy/normal" range (>110) and steady throughout the day. My endocrinologist has reduced my insulin dosage twice in the past year. It's my dream to someday row myself off ALL diabetic medications. I found that logging online caused me to row MUCH more consistently (my kids say constantly). Read More ›


The Concept2 Indoor Rower has changed my life, and I so look forwards to my workouts. Read More ›

—Heather Davison

I bought my Concept2 Indoor Rower and received it just in time for the Holiday Challenge! After successfully completing the 200k I was hooked. Read More ›

—Matt Maddock

I truly enjoy the full-body workout the Concept2 is giving me and I am now a dedicated fan. Read More ›

—Trygve Skaar

I needed something that kept me at home, so I started rowing more and doing more of the challenges. Read More ›

—Elizabeth Downie

The difference that it made to my performance in the boat was amazing! As a chronic back sufferer (probably resulting from too much incautious weight-training as a teenager), I am also very much aware of how much the erg has improved my core strength. Read More ›

—Geoffrey Barrow

I love the Model D as you control the workout from a relaxed, watching-TV state to an all out kill-yourself if you desire. Read More ›

—Bob Freitag

I had to give up jogging (knees) and started using the indoor rower there. I returned home, purchased one and have been rowing regularly since. Read More ›

—Vance Millar

First, congratulations on building a professional and high quality machine. The product engineering and design is impressive and looks like it was built to last a lifetime with minimal maintenance. Completion assembly was straight forward, comprehensive and finished like clock work right down to the stainless steel Torx screws dipped in Loctite. I kayak, however the rowing machine is a new experience. I tried the erg machine, which I like, at the health club, but I prefer the Dynamic and would recommend it. Read More ›

—Mark Dixon

I have used other Concept2 ergs in the past but felt that the new design would be more fluid and balanced. I was not disappointed. Read More ›

—Jon Grand

We are still in winter in Upstate New York, so I have not been rowing on-water this year. I just got my Dynamic in the Fall of 2010. I know it will help me or at least give me a jump start when I get on the water. When on the Dynamic, I focus on technique and get a good aerobic workout. I believe it has helped me to stay flexible and improve core strength. Read More ›

—Karen Stocker

I first saw the Concept2 demo'd in IMPACT fitness mag. Prior to purchase, I briefly tried out another Concept2 model in a fitness store. I could tell that the Concept2 was well made, and I was more impressed with it than the other models they had available. Now I love my rower. It was what I'd expected. When rowing, I usually close my eyes and envision being on the water. Listening to music helps me keep a beat. I find it to be very meditative and a great stress reliever. I haven't used it as much as I wanted to, or would have, to date. Read More ›

—Carol Perlau

I was worried about rowing because I never saw women doing it at the gym, only men. Also, I was skeptical that it would be a good workout because it was fun!

But, I got up the nerve one day and after I finished 5 minutes my body ached and I thought I would never do it again. But, when I got home, I did some research on the Concept2 website and realized I was rowing incorrectly. Also, I realized that my body just wasn’t used to those motions and so naturally, my body would ache until it would get used to it. Read More ›

—Adrianne Rondon

Without rowing, I know I would not have lost the weight I have… and I would not be in such better shape. Read More ›

—Jennifer Curran

I had a Concept2 Model C from a long time ago; I set it up in the basement in front of an old TV and would row 40-50 minutes most nights while watching ESPN. I started slowly, but gradually built up, making each session just a little longer or harder than the last. I would make sure that I was breaking a sweat ten minutes or so into the workout and kept it there for the remainder.

Rowing was the best way to start because it was non-impact and I could go as easy or hard as I wanted with every stroke. The Concept2 Forum was also a tremendous source of support. Read More ›

—Thomas Bartman

I got into rowing just within the last 6 months as a way to get in shape to be a bridesmaid in a wedding. During the first 3 months of rowing I lost enough weight to fit into the dress! Now I'm sticking with it to continue that weight loss as well as because it's the only form of exercise that I can seem to stick with. Read More ›

—Sarah Mordan-McCombs

I was introduced to the sport by a patient who came to my office significantly lighter and firmer than when I had last seem him; he attributed his transformation to joining the ARC. I met him at the river the following weekend and have been hooked ever since. Today most of my rowing is on the erg, spurred on by the C2 website and my hopes of turning back the clock. Read More ›

—Harold Sours

After completing 28 road marathons, I ran into some medical challenges that meant I needed a fitness activity in a "safe" environment (such as a gym). Endurance sports are my favorite, and I was looking for something that would challenge me as much as my long road runs. Read More ›

—Brenda Burke

I found the erg a marvelous workout without the pain of running. Read More ›

—Ed Connor

I started rowing instead of treadmill running whilst going to the gym regularly about 4 years ago (as running used to affect my Achilles tendons badly). Read More ›

—Dave Plumb

I began rowing over 20 years ago when I decided to get in shape in my late 30s. I joined a health club that had all kinds of weightlifting machinery, cycles, and whatnot. After trying all the machines, I found myself constantly returning to the rowing machines. Eventually I bought a model C and put more than 11 million meters on it. I recently retired and bought a model E as a retirement present. I workout five days a week and try to do at least 40,000 meters each week. Read More ›

—Gary McCollim

I started “erging” eighteen years ago with my friend Don as a way of warming up before lifting weights. I am currently “erging” with my friends John “The Erginator” and Bill “Holiday Challenge." We discuss technique and how to mentally get through a workout (oh the pain). I “erg” an average of 7K/day five days per week with a personal best of 7:14.5 for 2K (heavyweight). My goal by year end is to break 3 million meters and 7:00 for 2k. Read More ›

—Jeff Troxell

I got into indoor rowing, when about eight years ago I spotted a Model C after switching to new gym. Since then it was my main activity always supported by weights. In 2002 though, we moved to the USA for a few years where I couldn't find any ergs in small town where we lived. Read More ›

—Kris Kuzniar

I got into indoor rowing when I was 16 by complete chance when I went to my college gym, and the instructor told me about a competition that the lecturers had done the day before and he wanted someone to beat the winner to stop him boasting. So I stepped up and beat him by 15 seconds. It was then suggested that I take up indoor rowing as a sport. I won my first race in a 5K event in Cambridge in 2003 After a long break while I was injured i started competing properly at age 19. Read More ›

—Sam White

Now fast approaching 76, my daily rowing session keeps me young! Read More ›

—Joseph Satterthwait

When I started rowing I had a shoulder problem that doctors had worked on for some time and in spite of x-rays, injections with cortisone and exercises it did not get better, the pain was waking me up at night; this was a real problem, however as soon as I started rowing, instead of aggravating it, the problem disappeared. That was the first step in my recovery. I decided rowing was going to replace my running, swimming and other activities, and I became addicted to this form of exercise. Read More ›

—Stan Brierly

I really enjoy rowing, I've managed to loose 5 stones of blubber. Read More ›

—Andrew Shuck

My initial years of rowing were at Phillips Academy (1970–1972), and as a freshman heavyweight at Dartmouth (1973). Rowing on those two rivers (the Merrimack River in Massachusetts, the upper Connecticut River in New Hampshire, respectively) is tremendously enjoyable. Then 31 years passed, during which time I would ever look enviously at the shells rowing on various rivers (the Charles and Potomac, especially). In 2004, it was time, and I returned to "rowing"—primarily via the Concept2. Read More ›

—James Crawford

I've been rowing since 2002, when I bought my Model C machine to use at home. For me it's a great exercise. I row first thing in the morning, four days a week, as much as possible. I have participated in a couple of the Concept2 activities, like the Christmas challenge last year, or the Tour of Lake Champlain in 2006. I really enjoy rowing, so those activities are an added bonus rather than a needed incentive. I hope I can keep rowing indefinitely. Read More ›

—Ignacio Silva-Lepe

I took up erging in 2002 after I hurt my knee running. Read More ›

—Edward Rossotti

Last summer I twisted my ankle, which resulted in diminished summer activity. I took that as a warning that I should be more proactive with an exercise program. I dusted off my rowing machine and began a slow but steady rowing program. I will probably remain at the bottom of the list for the 5,000 meters in my age group, but I continue to row daily. Read More ›

—Eleanor Lincoln

I feel that rowing is a good all around workout. Read More ›

—Steve Crouch

I purchased my C2 machine in April 2005. My primary purpose for rowing was weight loss. I use my C2 in combination with a treadmill and an elliptical machine. I have lost 20 lbs. by exercising and the C2 machine has helped me keep that weight off. I have recently been rowing 30 minutes a day 5–6 times a week. My 2008 goal will be to row at least 2 million meters. Thanks C2 for producing a great machine. Read More ›

—Al Masino

Rowing on the Concept2 is a fabulous exercise especially in high-threat environments where it is not possible to run or bike. The Concept2 rowers are also suitable for locations where power problems make devices such as treadmills risky and dangerous. Read More ›


My husband and I are retired and live in the middle of the Adirondacks in northern NY. The cold, snowy winters here sometimes make it difficult to get outside and get much exercise so in Oct 2005 we got our rower. We have both really enjoyed it and have found it to be such a good form of exercise. I find being a member of the Ducks in a Row, along with all the C2 challenges, are great motivators to keep me rowing. Read More ›

—Carol Murray

Last year, at the peak of my rowing fitness (I’d just finished a rowing marathon) I was diagnosed with cancer. After seven months of chemotherapy and radiotherapy I was given the all clear. During my treatment I was too ill to row but since the ‘all clear’ I have been gradually getting back into it and I’m using the rower as part of my recuperation. I’m no where near the fitness I had before the illness but presently doing 35-40k per week and getting stronger and feeling better by the day, all thanks to my trusty Model D. Read More ›

—Darren Hall

I try to average at least 60,000 meters a week, and just passed 7 million meters. It is the best thing in the world for my overall physical well-being. I lost some 20 pounds, increased my wind power (great for my trumpet playing), and I feel great. Thank you again to C2!! Read More ›

—David Adams

Having been inspired by these rowers and having knackered my knees through running, I bought a Concept2. I try to bash out about 3 x 10,000 metre rows each week and in doing this I lost nearly three stone in nine months. My MS has been in remission for 5 years, and I feel sure that keeping fit must help. Read More ›

—Robert Platts

While comparing fitness routines with a friend at work several years ago, he described his Concept2 rower and how well it was working for him. My gym has a Concept2 rower so I tried it and became hooked immediately. My goal is to reach a consistent six 10K sessions per week habit, and the March Madness challenge is a great motivator. Read More ›

—Paul Anderson

We have always enjoyed being on the water but found the confinement of kayaks disagreeable to our backs. Read More ›

—Dan Brokaw

Since rowing regularly, I seldom get migraines. I've lost weight. I look better and am in better shape than I was 20 years ago, I'm 38. The kids and I started Tae Kwon Do last September and I love the cross training rowing provides. The great people at Concept2 and the fantastic website motivate me, and I feel privileged to be part of such a wonderful community. Read More ›

—Ian Nordon

I taught physical education and coached football and other sports for 38 years. I got into using the erg as a means to get in shape for alpine climbing about 9 years ago. I had been running, but old age caught up with the knees. About 5 years ago I realized I couldn't climb effectively anymore, so I took up erg workouts on a regular basis. Read More ›

—William Silva

I'm pretty sure you guys saved my life. Read More ›

—David Englander

I decided to get a Concept2 machine to get in shape and lose weight via a low impact exercise. My son of two years is my primary source of inspiration, one day I decided that I needed to get into shape to be able to keep up with him in the years to come. Although, I have had my rowing machine for over two years, it had been collecting a fair amount of dust. Then in late June of this year I finally decided to take the jump and have not looked back since. That was 550,000 meters ago. Prior to Christmas, I am aiming to break the sub-200 pound mark and the million meter mark. Read More ›

—Stephen Anderson

Thank you for making such an excellent product, and giving all the encouragement opportunities online. Read More ›

—Mike DuBois

I got into rowing because I could not run very much and the pool that I was using got to be kind of crummy. I'm a marketing and entrepreneurship professor who has kept rowing while on visiting academic positions at Georgia Tech (real good rowers), Cambridge (even better rowers and very interested in rowing), and the University of Otago (Kiwis who enjoy rowing). Read More ›

—Morgan Miles

I took up exercising seriously upon the diagnosis of diabetes in late 2003. By the end of '04 I had reversed all blood sugar chemistries and achieved blood pressure and cholesterol milestones after shedding 45 lbs. But, I gradually became bored with only cycling and lifting; convinced of the benefits of lifestyle changes I looked for alternatives and variety; along came Concept2 in March '06. I am now hooked and well underway for my Mkm year have already lost a further 9 lbs. Read More ›

—Paul Beech

After struggling to make it to the gym all last winter, we decided to invest in our own Model D, and love the convenience of rowing at home. Read More ›

—Andrea Day

I can consistently lower my glucose 50 points for every 10 minutes I row. Read More ›

—Sharon White

The C2 gives me enough leg work so I can do my annual 26.2 mile walk for the Jimmy Fund. Read More ›

—Brian Richards

I started using the C2 a couple years ago after rupturing my Achilles tendon while playing tennis. The C2 helped me recover from my accident, and it is now my primary source of exercise beyond walking and jogging. Occasionally I get out on the water to scull. Read More ›

—Dave Schneider

I work as a physical therapist. I find that the Concept 2 rowing ergometer is an essential part of any exercise program to help strengthen your back, while at the same time also giving you a fantastic cardiovascular workout. On a personal note, it helps keep me fit for dancing, Tango and Waltz, since the women partners are always in such great shape. Read More ›


I have lost 10 pounds in a year (and can eat anything that I want). It is a great workout. Wish I had started sooner. Read More ›

—Michael Vigoda

The health benefits were unbelievable. Read More ›

—Rich Kellner

I purchased the rowing machine for several reasons. The main reason being is because it can help produce great workouts. Another important consideration was the durability of your equipment, which has an excellent reputation. I have also worked with Special Olympics for over eight years. Your rowing machine allows for year-round conditioning with no excuses due to inclement weather. Read More ›

—Ken Petterson

Like so many I started erging when the knees wouldn't let me run anymore. I found Concept2 via a New York Times ad over 10 years ago and I'm glad I did. My main exercise form is cycling (I did 5 centuries and almost 5000 miles in 2004) but when the evenings get too short for that, and I'm not ready to ride my rollers in the basement I take the erg out. I enjoy trying to climb up the ranking lists. Read More ›

—Jim Rech

I really enjoy the overall, low impact, workout it gives me. Read More ›

—Jim Doten

As an ex-jock with a bad knee, I've found rowing to be a terrific no-impact exercise for all-around fitness. Read More ›

—Chuck Hood

My brother got me interested in C2 rowing eighteen months ago and since then it has been a love affair. Read More ›

—James Sundheim

I bought my erg last October and have logged over 1 million meters so far. I have been able to dramatically increase my endurance and I see the results in the boat. Even though I have come to the sport late, I intend to row for many years to come and I suspect rowing will give me those years. Read More ›

—Shelly Warden

I purchased my C2 in January of 2002, but only started regular rowing December 2003. I started with the holiday challenge and have participated in every challenge since. I am now working on my second million meter club. I have now completed 3 half marathons and hope to do a full marathon in the near future. One technique I find useful on a longer row is to cover up part of the display. I have done it even on 10,000m rows, but especially on half marathons. Read More ›

—Allison Toye

I bought my erg to help my back. Read More ›

—Scott Stalder-Skarmoutsos

I am a 34 year old physical therapist. I started to row about 2 years ago trying to get back in shape after a knee surgery. I was hooked from the beginning. I always did a lot of cardiovascular training but when I sit on the C2 to do my workout I get such a feeling of wellness that I had never felt before. Read More ›

—Martine Sauve
